Chapter 9

Aaradhna Pov

"Who the hell does he think he is? Now he will regret it!" I said and walk towards the person's room who dared to send this to me in the early morning.

I blash into his room and see him casually sitting on the chair as if he was waiting for me only.

I throw the bouquet on his face unfortunately he catch it and left a chuckle behind

"Who the fuck do you think you're huh?" I asked him.

He again just chuckle and come closer to me but with a good distance. Good for him if by any chance he take one more step closer to I'm fucking gonna punch him right now. He stared at my face.

"If you are thinking that, if you kept looking at me like a creep and think that it will sacre me ?" I took a small break and again continue"Then the answer is a FUCKING NO infact I will shoot the bullet right in the middle of your eyes" I said

"O SWEETHEART you finally came I was waiting for you only"

Said him.

"Why did you send me those stupid flowers even after knowing the consequences that what I can do to you" i said

"Sweetheart, don't call those beautiful roses stupid cause each one of them reason why I lo-" i cutt him off in middle and said

"Dare to complete that sentence and I will show what I can within an hour" I said to while snapping my fingers towards him

"See this! This behaviour of your make me fall for you even more the feistiness of your will be death to me" said him

"Khana you know what?" I asked him which answered "What?"

"Just wait and watch till the evening" i said to him

"Why? Are you gonna propose me?" Said Khana

"In your DREAMS khana in your DREAMS. Something bad is going to till the evening to you khana i have an intuition" i said to him and walkout from his room and dail a number from my business phone

"Yes ma'am" answer from the another side

"Do whatever you want but I want that that Lakhani's, Kapoor's and Malhotra's project from that Kabir khana till the evening. Do you get that?" I stated

"Yes ma'am" answered from the another side.

I just hmm and hang-up the call and walk where the rituals where going.

Everyone was present and seeing everyone happy makes me happy but don't know what but I don't feel something is right?

O! comeon I must be overthinking just let it be.

I join them to the rituals and enjoyed with them until the phone starts to rings with tones of notifications of news regarding the wedding and I walk towards a empty passage to read the news

"Marriage between Rathore's and Trivedi's?"

"It's sure that Mr. Abhimanyu Rathore is getting married to Trivedi's daughter but, with whom?"

"Who is going to marry Mr. Rathore?"

" Is it the Shreeta Trivedi the eldest daughter of Trivedi family who is well known Neurologist?"


"The CEO of Trivedi Empires And the youngest daughter of Trivedi family

Muskan Trivedi?"

"If Mr.Abhimanyu is getting married to Aaradhna then, we will get our the power couple"

Ewww!!! Me and that oldie with no brains? Are gone get married? No even in my worst nightmares!

These media people literally have zero percents of brain like do they even have good choice?

Like seriously they have zero brain cells to pair me with that Mr.oldie with no brains.

"Leave it I have many things to do and I have no time to care about these shits things that is going on" I said and rolled my eyes.

I again join them and everyone was teasing my dear sister who's gonna be soon to be bride and soon everyone started to dance.

My other cousins pulled Shreeta di to dance at first she was a bit shy but after sometime she started to dance with her full heart.

She was looking so happy and care free not like and suddenly I got nostalgia of our childhood memories and fights our bounds our sweet and sour relationship

And thinking about this thing my eyes got a bit teary thinking about how she will be living us in just few hours?

I was in my thoughts when someone pull me to stage to dance with them and it was none other than my dear Dii

I looked at her and asked in sign language that is everything is ok as the music was playing.

Time skip

At night

I was standing in corner checking everything about the wedding and everything seems to be nice

As the Rathore's also have been arrived and the groom is doing some rituals.

I was being called by Dadu to bring the bride aka my Dii

I went to her room and knock twice and waited for a while but I didn't get any response.

So I again knock but didn't get any response and I started to knock again and again but I didn't get any respons

"Dii!! Are you there? *Knock* *knock* Are you fine?" I asked but I got no response

The fear of losing another sister ran throught my veins.

I start to push the door with full force that I had right now. I was trying so hard but the lenhga was making it way too much difficult for me.

I was about to push but Atharva Saw me and asked

"What happened? Why are you banging Shreeta Dii's door so loudly?"

"Atharva, dii is not opening the door" i answer with the pain in my voice. The fear was visible to anyone but I try to hide it

"I'll help you. Okay!" He said and patted my cheeks "Just be a little a side so that I can break the door properly" said Atharva and I moved a little a side

He start to push the door by his shoulder with full force but failed.

Lastly he was trying to open the with his leg by kicking it forcefully

And to be surprise he did it in first attempt only. I ran in her room.

Only to found her wedding lenhga and jewellery on her bed with a note.

I'm sorry!

I won't be able to do this marriage at the cost of my future and love life.

I know by doing this I have might turned into a selfish person who only thinks about themselves only but, it's fine if I would have your place I would have feel cheated the same way only

And I am really sorry to Rathore family. I know by pulling this stunt I for sure harmed both of the family name on fire but, really there was no option better than this.

I know you all by now feel cheated. But there was no other option.

Please don't try to find me.

It is request to you all

Also while reading this I might have left the country.

I'm sorry Mom and dad and to everyone


I felt too numb to react to anything and the paper slipped out of my hand

And it goes to Atharva feet and he pick it up and read it.

After reading it full his eyes widened and at the same time Avinash Bhai came.

"What happened to you two? Why are you standing like a statue? And where is Shreeta?" Asked Bhai

And I quickly cover the lenhga and jewellery behind me but his eye caught attention towards Atharva's hand

The same hand from which Atharva was holding the letter.

He walk towards Atharva and take the note read it.

At that moment I Frist time saw Avi Bhai pale face, a face which has always a smile was replaced by a expression less face.

"Atharva call everyone from the family leaving Rathore's" stated Bhai in harsh voice to atharva.

He immediately nodded and left. Bhai was still standing like a statue with the note crumble in his wist tightly.

Bhai was silent and it was giving the feel of silence before a huge Strom that would be probably destroying everything thing.

"Did you know about this? And don't even think of lying to with me this time" said Bhai while showing me the note. I just denied and said "Noo I didn't knew about this thing Bhai"

He just stand there and after sometime everyone from the family came with tension on their faces.

"What happened Avinash? Why did you call us here that to in hurry?and where is Shreeta?" Asked papa to Avinash Bhai.

He just handed the note to papa and papa took the note with confusion.

Papa read the note and he lost his balance I quickly ran towards papa and give him a support to stand.

"What happen Rajeshwar?" Asked dadu and took the note from him Avinash Bhai try to stop dadu but dadu didn't listen

Dadu read also read the note and started to take shaky deep breath and he caught Avinash Bhai's hand for support.

Shivam Bhai brought a chair for dadu to sit.

"How?" Ask dadu

"We didn't know when I came the room was locked and with the help of Atharva we break the door and found this note on the bed with lenhga and jewellery" I answer.

I took a glance towards papa and for the first time I saw him shredding tears. First time I saw shame fullness in his eyes instead of proudness on his daughter.

This was the second time feel so weak that I can't do anything. I feel so weak that I can't even stop the tears from everyones eyes

"Now what we will say to Rathore's?" Ask mummy

"There is nothing left to say anything Bina, Our respect, earned through years of blood and sweat, has now gone in the drain. With her one step our everything has gone in drain everything" said dadu and broke in tears again.

"There is nothing left to do there is nothing left to do" said papa in low voice but still audible to everyone in the room

"There is one thing left that we can do" said Avinash Bhai

"We can Replace the bride"

Said Avinash Bhai

"And with whom you gonna replace by doing some magic" said bade papa.

"It's Aaradhna papa" said Avinash Bhai

"Are you freaking mad Bhai or after getting this new you got shock in your brain nerves that you can't even think or listen that what are you even saying right now " I yelled

"This is the only thing we can do right now as both the family name respect, and everything will be saved" said Avinash bhai

"So now you want me to replace Shreeta and save both of the family respect that too at the cost of your own sister. No I'm never gonna do that Bhai even if you force me to do I won't!" I said with a Stern voice

"He is saying right Aaradhna this is the only thing we can do right now " bade papa.

"No I won't do it bade papa. It will never give the happiness that both of we want. And you think by replacing the bride would sort the condition then, No it won't even a bit of it" I said

"Aaradhna beta understand the situation it is the only right thing we can do for saving both the family name, respect and pride" said dadu

"No dadu you can't save anything at cost of my life. It's my life and I have some right on it. If you want we can tell media a story and will say that wedding is cancelled but replacing bride No" I said

"Please Bacche this is last time please help us" said Avinash Bhai while grabbing my hands with pleading look and tears of pain

I didn't have any words left to say after seeing everyones face. My throat started to pain.

"No Bhai she won't. Not for this time." said Shivam Bhai

"We are talking Shivam and you will not speak in between." Said Avinash Bhai

"I can speak in between afterall she is my sister too and why she always have to sacrifice her dreams, passion, hobbies. She too have some dreams, some future plan for her upcoming life." Said Shivam Bhai

I looked towards him and my eyes got teary but resist to let them flow. I can't cry infront of everyone.

"From start till now she always have to sacrifice here dreams, passion, and hobbies and today also you all are doing the same thing with her forcing or emotionally blackmailing her to do this marriage but I won't let anyone of you to do that." Said Shivam Bhai

I was on the verge to shred my tears but Avinash Bhai came and said

"When everyone in the family is ready to replacing Shreeta by Aaradhna then what's your problem Shivam? I can't really understand when we can save both the family name by doing this then what is wrong with both of you " said Avinash Bhai

What happen to Avinash Bhai why he is behaving like this he never ever did anything like this then why Bhai why are you doing this.

"Cause-" Shivam Bhai got cut-off

With someone else's voice.

"What's happening here? And where is Shreeta?" Asked Abhimanyu's grand father Harshvardhan Rathore.

Everyone was silent until dadu broke the silence.

"Harshvardhan we are really sorry" said dadu while lower his head and joining his both the pams infront of him.

I wanted to stop dadu buy doing anything thing but Shivam Bhai held my hand hand and nodded his head in denial and stop me by doing anything I was just there looking at everything.

"Sorry for what Shubhkaran for delaying the weeding? Then it's totally fine we can understand what Shreeta must be feeling." Said Harshvardhan uncle with a smile.

"That's not the reason" said dadu and after taking a deep breath he handed the note to Harshvardhan uncle.

Uncle take it with confusion on his face. He started to read and said

"What's this Shubhkaran? Did we deserve this? What about our reputation?"

"There is still on-" Avinash Bhai try to say but got cut off

"I don't want to listen anything call everyone from the family and then we will talk about this." Stated Harshvardhan uncle.

After sometime everyone from both the family was there in another room

And Rathore's was way too much angry and why won't they. If we were in their place we would have feel the same rage and angry.

I was standing just beside of Shivam Bhai.

"If she wanted she could tell us at the very next moment when we fixed the alliance but, she choose this and elope at end moment and at this moment when we can do nothing to save our reputation". Said Harshvardhan uncle

"There is a way Harshvardhan there is a way" said dadu

Don't tell that he agreed with bhai's solution for real can't he see that I am totally against of it

"And what it is Shubhkaran?" Asked Harshvardhan uncle

"By replacing the bride as no one knows that with whom abhimanyu is going to get married" said dadu

"But with whom?" Asked Harshvardhan uncle.

I know the answer and I'm against of it.

"It is Aaradhna" said dadu leaving Rathore family in shock and I immediately speak

"I have already told you all that I don't want to this marriage at any cost but why're you all are forcing me to do such things in which I have zero interest"

As soon as I complete the sentence someone said

"Also I'm not anyone that you all will replace the bride and I would happily do marriage with her" and it was Abhimanyu as accepted such a


"Have you all heard him is against the replacement and me too" I said and walk out of the room and take a turn towards my room.

I enter my room take out the jewellers and sat on the floor while keeping my knees close to my chest and bursted into tears.

I was busy in crying when there was a knock on door. I clam myself before speaking.

"I don't want to talk to anyone anymore it's a request leave me alone" I said

"It's us Aaradhna, your friends" I know it's Janvi.

"But still leave me alone I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I said

"Okay you don't talk to us but still open the door atleast let us sit with you or we too will sit right next to the door until you open the door" said Janvi I how stubborn they all are specially Janvi. If she said then she will mean it.

I whip my face and little bit fixed my dress and look and open the door.

As soon as I open the door Janvi gave me a tight hug which was much needed for me.

"I know we won't be able to understand your current feeling or your current situation but atleast you will feel a bit better when we are around you" she said while hugging me and trust me I wanted to cry so hard say how I am feeling.

"Thank you so much for thinking about me this much Janvi" I said in a crack voice and I couldn't hold much and the tears started to flow by themselves

"Don't cry we are here with you only" she said while patting my back I just nodded.

Everyone sat down near my bed and sat in the previous position keeping my hands on my knees and above my hand my head

"You know Aaru what?" Said Janvi

"What?" I asked

"I think they are partially telling the righ-" I cut-off Janvi in between and said

"I think a moment ago you said you all are here for me didn't you"

"Yeah but try to understand there's situation too" said Janvi

"No I don't want to understand anyone situation anymore I am tired of understanding everyone situation everytime! Can't anyone understand my situation why it always have to be me?" I said

"It's not like th-" Janvi got cut-off with a knock on the door

"Open the door Aaradhna beta atleast for the last time open the door" said mumma for the other side

"No mumma I'm sorry but I won't open the door" i said and look towards Janvi who was thinking totally opposite of me.

"If you are thinking to open this door then the consequences won't be good for you Janvi" I stated

"But we don't have any other option left with us" said Janvi and got up and walk towards the door and now I know I won't be able to stop anyone

"I'm sorry for this but I have to do this for you Aaradhna" she said and open the door

When she opens the door it reveals only papa and mumma and not anyone else

I ran towards papa and hugged him and said him a crack voice

"Papa don't force me to do this please" I said while hugging him

"I'm sorry but we don't have any option left to save both the family reputation" said papa

"No papa not you too" I said and broke the hug

Papa took one or two steps back and his hands moved up in the direction of his turban. I was confused and the fear knowing what he was about to do

Papa took out the turban for his head and spread his hand with the turban in front of me and said

"Beta, please do this marriage for me"

And it broke my heart into pieces and the reality hits me what my father was doing

I immediately took his hand in mine "You don't have to do this papa" I said with tears following continuously

"You didn't left any option for us" said papa

"I know what I have to do" I said

I grab both mumma and Papa's hand and walk towards the room where everyone was present

"I'm ready for this marriage"

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