Chapter 8


"I can't believe my ears and eyes that you can do this" said Aaradhna.

sweat started to from on Shreeta's forehead. "It's not like that what you heard Aaru" said Shreeta while wiping sweat from her forehead and coming closer to Aaradhna.

"Don't. Come. Near. To. Me, I never thought that you will do this kind of things" said Aaradhna while showing her plam to shreeta.

The thought of Aaradhna coming to know about the stunt that she is going to put was scaring the shit out of her cause she knows that her little sister could do anything if she came to know about it.

while thinking about this a sharp shiver went to her body and she looked towards Aaradhna who was looking at her with a serious expression. Which was making Shreeta more scared of her.

As Shreeta was about to confess the stunt that she is going to put tomorrow infront of Aaradhna.

Out of nowhere Aaradhna started to laugh while holding her stomach.

" OMG! You haha.. got hahaha... got hahaha..... So scared Di hahaha....." Said Aaradhna in between her laughs. Making Shreeta sigh in relief. "Aaru are you mad or what? You scare the shit out of me" said Shreeta.

"Yes! I'm mad but, why were you scared of me" said Aaradhna and after taking a small pause Aaradhna said "or scared by thinking that I might have heard that was not supposed to be heard" while raising her one brows

Sweat again started to from on Shreeta's forehead.

"Chill my soon to be bride Di I was just kidding relax " said Aaradhna and Shreeta was about to say something thing when there was a knock on the room Shreeta said come in to the person the person on the other side of the door. And it reveal her elder brother and his wife Avinash and vaishnavi respectively.

"What's up with this time girls" asked her sister-in-law vaishnavi to them "Nothing much bhabhi just pulling soon-to-be bride's legs" said Aaradhna and left a playful smirk and chuckled.

Aaradhna's eyes fell on her elder brother face who was looking at her to start a conversation with her after that encounter that happened at penthouse Aaradhna has started to avoiding a conversation with her siblings.

"Okay bhabhi, good night" said Aaradhna to vaishnavi and started to leave. Shreeta stopped her from back by holding her wrist.

"Where are you going didn't you plan to have a sleepover with us?" asked Shreeta.

"Di do you want dark circles under your eyes on your special day" said Aaradhna. Making it very easy to catch that she was avoiding to interact with her siblings cause she always wanted to have a sleepover with her sister before her wedding day.

"Now you are avoiding us?" Asked Avinash to Aaradhna. "I'm not avoiding anyone Bhai, it just Di need a little rest before her 'THE BIG DAY' starts." answered Aaradhna.

"Stop lying when you can't lie properly Aaradhna" said vaishnavi to Aaradhna. "I'm not lying bhabhi" said Aaradhna. "Stop lying, we all know that you are avoiding us since the incident that take place back at penthouse" said Avinash to Aaradhna.

"Bhai is saying right" said Abhishek from the door and entered inside the room. "Aap he ki kaami baaki thi aap bhi bolo mujhe" muttered under her breathe.

("You were the only one missing, you also tell me.")

"Did you said something?" Asked Abhishek to Aaradhna. "No! Why would I say something,by the way what did you said before could you repeat cause I didn't heard you" said Aaradhna with a sarcasm.

"You're impossible" said Abhishek

"Yeah, afterall Ram's blood flows in my veins too" said Aaradhna in sarcasm with a smirk.

"And yes I'm avoiding you all because of that KHANA" said Aaradhna to Abhishek.

"Ok! Now you are avoiding us because of that khana" said Abhishek. "Did I said in different language Bhai" said Aaradhna.

"Okay! Now everything is clear then I'm out cause I'm very tired Good night to everyone " said Aaradhna to everyone and started to leave again

"We thought that our bond was different from others siblings and cousins bond but now you really gave us a reality check that everything thing is temporary" said Shreeta while emotionally blackmailing Aaradhna with her cousins. Why?

Cause she knows that emotionally blackmailing Aaradhna will always work for them but not for the outsiders.

"Ok! Then take it as a reality check everyone" said Aaradhna and again turned her heels to go but stop in middle after hearing some sobs.

Abhishek was about to stop Aaradhna but Shreeta grab his arms and said between her sobs.

"Le.. leave it Bhai....i..it was all my fault... fault that I am getting married fault that I expecting my sister to be involved in this marriage....my...my fault that that I thought that my sister will forget everything about past... fault-" Shreeta got cutoff in between by a hug given by her sister Aaradhna.

"Stop it di! You know there is nothing above then you all and I was angry and still I'm about you all for letting that Khana stay in under same roof

as mine and it was not your fault at all don't blame yourself and who said that it's your fault?" Said Aaradhna while hugging her sister tightly.

Shreeta patted Aaradhna's head and said "Finally! My acting skills worked on you."

Aaradhna broke the hug with a confusion on her face but within milliseconds she came to know that this all thing was a drama.

"Di!!! It's not fair you emotionally blackmailed me and you Bhai you also gave in with them!" Said Aaradhna.

"Everything is fair in love and war my dear little sister" said Shreeta while patting Aaradhna's head.

"Everything is fair in love and war" mimicked Aaradhna. And everyone persent in the room strated to laugh including Aaradhna

"Now, give me a hug" said Shreeta while opening her arms towards Aaradhna.

Aaradhna and Shreeta shared the hug. But they feel some eyes on them.

"Now don't keep looking at us come and join" said Aaradhna.

"OMG!! You guys are so cruel that you are sharing a group without me, What days I have to see?" Said Shivam in the dramatic tone from the door.

"Com'on Bhai you don't be a dramatic person come and join us and one more thing there would be always a place for you" said Aaradhna to Shivam.

Shivam jogged towards them and joined their group with a wide smile and the same smile was on everyones face.

"Now, We're sharing our group which means everything is sorted out right?" Asked Shreeta with a confusion. "everything will be fine till marriage but, after that I can't tell you" said Aaradhna .

Everyone Stared at her with serious expression. But it became cool as soon as Aaradhna Started to laugh.

"Why always you guys become so serious whenever I say something like this" said Aaradhna between her laughter.

"Even if you were joking, we are scared when all this becomes true." said Shivam.

"Awww, Bhai are you scared of me?" Asked Aaradhna while making very teasingly helpless expression.

"Never in this life pig" said Shivam while pinching Aaradhna's nose.

"Bhai!" Sad Aaradhna to Avinash

"Di!" Said Shivam to shreeta.

Everyone bursted into laughter including both of them.


Everyone was sitting down in the grande with silence but, this silence between them was peaceful and comforting. Until Shreeta broke the silence.

"How fast we all grew up na?" Said Shreeta with teary eyes.

"Yes! Di just how fast night changes" said Shivam.

"It was like yesterday we all were kids playing here and there and roaming around care freely." Said Abhishek.

"How we used to fight with each for the silly est things!" Said Shreeta with a chuckle.

"Yes, just like the swing back at Mumbai na! We used to fight for the swing and slides and all." Said Aaradhna looking at the moon.

"I wish that for once we all can go back and enjoy our childhood and spending more with eachother." Said Shreeta with heavy lump in her throat.

"Yeah!" Said everyone inclusion

"So, tomorrow are you guys going to cry?" Asked Shreeta while looking at everyone.

"No! Not at all" said Shivam. And earned a little chuckle from Shreeta.

"I mean to say I will imagine that you are going abroad for further studies and you will coming back in holidays simple" said Shivam.

"So, Bhai are you saying that you won't be crying when di will leave?" Asked Aaradhna to Shivam.

"You know if it is Shreeta di there're 100 percent chances that I will cry but if it would be you I won't be shredding any single tears from my eyes cause they are very special and I don't want to waste my special tear for you pig" said Shivam.

"And I don't want to waste my special tear for you" mimicked Aaradhna.

"We'll see about that BHAI!" said Aaradhna.

And the night before the wedding went by remembering about past memories.

"The wedding day morning"

Trivedi siblings were still sleeping because of their sleepover leaving Avinash and Shreeta.

Shreeta was busy with some rituals and Avinash is going to wake up all his siblings.

He first woke up Abhishek then Shivam and at last Aaradhna.

"Bacha, wake up it's already late!" Said Avinash to Aaradhna.

"Bhai! Just more five minutes I'm really tired Bhai" said Aaradhna in sleepy tone.

"No! no more five minutes bache it's already late" said Avinash.

But doesn't get any response from Aaradhna.

"Bache, wake up or i will start giving you a hole dam lecture for straight two hours" said Avinash but still he didn't get any response from her side.

Avinash was about say something but Shivam came inside.

"What happened Bhai? Why she asleep till this hour?" Asked Shivam in whispered tone to Avinash.

"She said that she is tried from last night but she has to be Shreeta for hole day " said Avinash.

"Leave that on me Bhai, I can do that!" Said Shivam.

"Okay!" Said Avinash and left the room.

"Awww! My dear little sister is sleeping peacefully let me wake you wake" said Shivam with a smirk.

Shivam slowly walked towards Aaradhna's bed. He was going to tickle but stop in middle

"Why don't to wake you up with my style baby sister" said Shivam to himself with mischief smirk plaster on his face. He slowly walked towards the jug which was filled with water to throught on Aaradhna.

He slowly started to walk towards the bed with jug filled of water in his hand. He was about to throw the jug but-

Aaradhna smack him on the bed and the water was on Shivam right now and he was shoked in it.

"What did you thought of me Bhai that I was sleeping like a log ?" Asked Muskan.

"How did you wake up you were sleeping?" Asked Shivam

"Bhai, I have all my ears even when I sleeping so, be careful next time while doing these types of pranks on me Bhai" said Aaradhna

"Be careful next time!" Mimicked shivam.

"And be ready before 11 cause there are some rituals and everyone should be present there before 11 or you know dadu" said Shivam while wiping his face with the tissues.

"Shiit!! I totally forget about this thanks for reminding me Bhai or else I have to face dadu's warth which I don't want to" said Aaradhna and run towards bathroom

"Walk slowly!" Shout Shivam from behind

"Yeeps!" Shouted back

"Silly girl!" Said Shivam with a chuckle.

After thirty minutes Aaradhna came back from the shower and stright walked towards dressing table .

She was combining her when her eyes fell on the rose bouquet kept on her bed through the mirror.

"Who the fuck kept this this?" Said Aaradhna and walk towards bed.

She was about to pick up the bouquet when her eye fell on the note kept along with bouquet


"100 reason and 100 roses why I love you SWEETHEART "

After reading this she crumble the note in her hand took that bouquet in her and said

"Who the hell does he think he is? Now he will regret it!"

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