Chapter 7


It's been eight days to my engagement

and one day to go my wedding Yes! My wedding which didn't even excites me . Trivedi family has arrived in Rajasthan, and I am just reading news and the news is.

"Trivedi family has arrived in Rajasthan. But why they've arrived in Rajasthan?

We have to connect the dots.

As few days back Rathore family also caught going to Trivedi Mansion in Mumbai.

Now Ram family is also in Rajasthan. What does that means?

Are this two business family are planning some business deals or


This media always have to poke their nose in others matter. If it was not my wedding i for sure made his or her Life a living hell for poking their nose in my matters.

I was more scrolling down to the newz and there was 4 - 5 photos of Ram family with Aaradhna's and Atharva's friends Abhimaan, Janvi vibha and . Yes I remember their names because I am good at remembering names and things.

They all were laughing in picture and suddenly my mind remembers something.

Flashback to the same day as engagement day

The engagement has time to get start so, I decided to do an important call which will only take 5 - 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes

I was going back to hall but I heard someone talking. I know it's not good to listen someone's talk but don't know why I stayed there and listen to their talks

Also I'm not someone who is interested to listen others talk.

"So, when are you planning to express your feelings?" Said someone.

"What feelings you're talking about Abhimaan?" I knew this voice it's ATHARVA 'S voice

"Come'on man you can fool everyone over here but you can't fool me" said Abhimaan

"I am...n..not.. fooling.. some... someone okay" said Atharva with shuttering.

The Atharva I know is who never shutter.

"Then why are you shuttering so much huh?" Asked Abhimaan to Atharva. "I am not shuttering!"

Said Atharva.

"Yes you're" again Abhimaan said "I'm not " said Atharva "Yes" said Abhimaan "No" again Atharva "Yes" again abhimaan "No" again Atharva.

I don't what's wrong with this bunch of friends they are so loud, and sometimes way too much annoying. Like if he is in love someone just say it to her why to make it a big deal.

"Yes" again Abhimaan. "Okay fine! I have feelings for her happy!" Said Atharva in frustrated tone. "See, I knew it that you are in love with her" said Abhimaan with snapping his fingers towards Atharva. While he just rolled his eyes.

Like her bestfriend's attitude same.

"Btw the how and when you came to know that I am in love with her like I came to know this feeling six years back then how do you know?" Asked Atharva to Abhimaan.

"A long back ago before you even what's this feeling is called" said Abhimaan and patted back.

"What do you mean by along back ?" Asked Atharva. "I mean you fell in love with her when you were in sixth standard." Said Abhimaan.

What!! Is Abhimaan is mad or what like the guy who is in love or anything. He came to know that feeling six years back then how come he can know that he was in love with her from sixth standard.

Like this bunch of friends are totally and really weird and out of the world.

"What!!" Exclaimed Atharva. "See I knew it that you won't believe let it be, now tell me when are you proposing her?" Asked Abhimaan.

"Hmm.... On the wedding day" said Atharva. "That's great now you have plan everything like her" said Abhimaan.

"Wait Abhimaan we still don't know about her feelings towards me " said Atharva.

Yes he has a logic

"Come'on arva don't think negative only think POSITIVE" said Abhimaan.

Flashback ends back to present

That's the thing only I heard after that Maa called me for doing some rituals before the engagement.

I was staring at the same picture from past 5 minutes when.

Their was a knock on my door

"Come in" i said "Rana sa they had come Rani sa has called you" said one of my servants . "Yes I'm coming" sad to him and he left

After five minutes I came and only to get a look that my soon to be in-laws are arrived in our palace.

"Where is Shreeta?" Asked my dad to Rajeshwar uncle. "Shreeta is coming within 2 minutes actually she got an important call from the hospital" said Rajeshwar uncle.

"Where is Aaradhna Rajeshwar" asked my dad to Rajeshwar uncle. "Aaradhna, she actually had an important conference in Rajasthan only so she left for the conference right from the airport" said Rajeshwar uncle.

"Atleast she should have take a little bit of rest and then she can go to conference as it was held in Rajasthan only afterall travelling for hours and directly going to work must be so tiring for her" said my dad to Rajeshwar uncle.

OMG is he is my real dad or by default got exchanged with someones else dad who look like my dad. Like never asked me that if I'm tired or not.

Like Yes! he asked me but not this much concern and worried.

"Don't worry she said that she will come right to the our Mansion" said Rajeshwar uncle.

"Hello everyone" said Shreeta form the door and entered.

"Think of the devil and the devil is here" muttered Himanshu and I heard that as he was standing next to me. I just give him a death glares.

"What? Why are you looking at me like l had did some sin or something. I just stated the fact towards her" said Himanshu.

I just rolled my eyes on him but I also agree little bit that something is off about Shreeta.

I moved my glaze towards everyone and saw Shreeta touching every elders feet. "See, now she acting all sweet huh!" Said Himanshu in low voice that could be only hear to me.

"Could you Shut your fucking mouth for some time" I whisperedly yell on him.

After sometime I get a call from my PA Neil. I excused myself from there and pickup the call

"Hello" i said

"There is a problem in a project" he said from another side

"Which one?" I asked him in a stren voice.

"The current project between yours and Trivedi's " he said.

"There are some legal issues that need to be handle by both of the CEO of the companies" he said in a tensed voice.

"Send me the details" i said and cut the call. I immediately get an email from him. I read it and need to contact Aaradhna about this. I open call log to call her but then I remember that I don't have her number SHIT!!! .

But wait Neil have her PA's number. So I again dailed Neil's number and in one ring he pickup call

"Call Aaradhna's PA and inform her about the current situation" i said

"Yes sir" he said and ended the call. This shit mess has to be cleaned up otherwise there would be a huge loss for us.

My phone again strated to ring and it showed Neil's name.

"Their phone is out of reach now?" Asked Neil

"Now, eat my head and sell my body organs to body dealers" i said

"Are you serious cause I can do that Abhimanyu afterall I am your bestfriend " yes how can forget that he my bestfriend and we have some of the qualities same and it is one of them.

"FUCK OFF!!" I said cut the call on his face. Now what can I do. Wait Avinash, Avinash can do this thing for me and why not after all it's their company is involved.

I called Avinash at the backyard cause I don't want anyone to be stressed right now. He came exactly in five minutes.

"What happened Abhimanyu? Why did you call me here?" Asked Avinash. "There is a serious issue in our current project and I tried to contact Muskan and her PA but they didn't received the call that's why I call you here" i came straight to the point

"What?? Let me call her once again " he said and dailed her number and put it on speaker. She picked up the call in one ring. I was like no one has that audacity to break my orders. But look at her she not even answered my message.

"Ha, Bhai" said Aaradhna from another side.

"Baache, why you ain't picking up calls" said Avinash.

"I'm sorry Bhai actually I am having network issue here, why did you call me" said Aaradhna.

"There are some problems in project" said Aaradhna.

"Which one?" Asked Aaradhna in clam tone.

"Rathore's" answered Avinash

"Send me the details and I'm coming back right now " said Aaradhna.

"Wait! What do you mean by coming back right now " asked Avinash but she cut the call.

We came back to living area were everyone was there and saw that Trivedi's were leaving. I look at Avinash and Avinash look at me. He nodded towards me and I nodded towards him.

"Maa, Papa wait Aaradhna is coming here" Avinash said to everyone. "What? But what about the conference?" Asked Tarkeshwar uncle. "Don't know but she said that she is coming back" said Avinash


After sometime Vibha came. "Where is Aaradhna vibha?" Asked Rajeshwar uncle to Vibha. "She send me for details cause she is busy in conference" answered Vibha.

"Which details she is talking about? Asked Shubhakaran Muskan's grandfather. "Nothing very serious dadu" said vibha.

Abhimanyu gave vibha tab that has the details of the problem.

Vibha took that and left from there immediately.

After sometime Trivedi also left to their Mansion in Rajasthan. It's past 1 at midnight night when Aaradhna came back to the Mansion.

Everyone was sleeping accept Shreeta. "Hello" said shreeta on the call "Yes our flight has been booked shree, now tell when are you coming to me" said someone from the another side of the phone.

"What do you mean by are you comming to me huh! It's my wedding tomorrow are you getting that in your brain huh" said Shreeta while putting her hand on her templates.

"You have only two choice Shree choose your career and love of your life or second one be a good daughter and marry someone who you barley know, choice is all your shree" said someone from another side.

Shreeta pause for some moment and think about his said words to her right now. "Yes he is right I don't want to marry someone whom I barley know. But, I don't want to put my family name on fire." Said Shreeta to herself while grabbing her hairs.

She broke down and cried her heart out for being stuck in such type of situation that she can't choose anyone out two. It's difficult for her to choose between her love of life, career or her family name.

If she chooses for herself she will be called a selfish bitch who doesn't care about her family reputation or if she chooses her family she would always have a thing that if I had grabbed some of the guts and ran away from the marriage the Life would have been different for her.

After taking some deep breath and thinking about every conclusion of her steps she decided that she will choose her love of her life and career.

She called her boyfriend again "I'm ready! when are tickets?" said Shreeta to her boyfriend on the call. "That's like girl be ready I will come to pick you from your house" said her boyfriend from the other side.

"What if we get caught?" Asked Shreeta to her boyfriend.

"Even if we get caught I will die for you happily" said her boyfriend from the other side.

"Shut up! Have you lost your mind or what don't ever say such things again okay" said Shreeta

"Okay ma'am I Love you bye we will meet soon" said her boyfriend. "I Love you too, bye" said Shreeta and ended the call.

She turned around only to found her dear sister AARADHNA was standing there with unreadable expression on her face.

Sweat strated to from on Shreeta's forehead.

"I can't believe my ears and eyes that you can do this" said Aaradhna.

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