Chapter 6


"You're looking gorgeous " and Aaradhna turned towards the owner of the voice and I get shocked and angry at same at and said with rage tone " who invited you?"

The man walk towards Aaradhna who was burning in anger and he came close to her but she didn't move a Inch from her place and showing him the most deadliest glares she had ever given to someone.

He move his hand towards Aaradhna's cheek and he was about to touch her cheeks but before he could touch she jerk his hand away and he chuckled and Said "You still had that attitude of yours with you."

Now Aaradhna was controlling her anger because she don't want her sister engagement to be ruined by her or by anyone else.

"You didn't answer my question KABIR, who invited you here?" Asked Aaradhna while gritting her teeths. "Sweetheart, did you forget what relation our family sh-" "used to we used to share that relation " she cutoff him in between and emphasize the word used.

(Kabir Khana:- 27 yrs old CEO of Khana Co. He is the rival of RAM EMPIRES. He is the son of Suraj Khana and Reena Khana. Reena is the aunty of Muskan and sister of Rajeshwar and Tarakeswar Ram . And most importantly he is lover of Muskan but she hates him for, { That's it for now }).

"Don't you dare to change the topic and answer my fucking damn question?" Said Aaradhna in raged tone. "Oo, sweetheart who else will invite me? Ofcourse my grandparents and yours too " said Kabir in casual tone like it's nothing for him . But here Aaradhna got hurt and mad at the same time.

She turned her heels towards the hall to confront her grandparents that they really call him? But Kabir said from behind "sweetheart "

"Don't. Call. Me. That. Do you get that or until you have a wish to be buried 6 feet under the ground" she said . And moved towards the hall leaving Kabir behind in a smirk.


On other hand both the family were chit chatting with eachother but Abhimanyu was with his poker face and his eyes were on his phone doing some work.

"Kya Bhai aap har time phone par rehte hai Aaj tho aapke is phone ko chodo?" Said Samaira to Abhi

and he just rolled his eyes on her and Said "don't you want a new MacBook " this made her eyes widened and shaking her head yes

("What Bhai, you are always on your phone but not today, leave your phone?")

"leave it Sam he is a big workaholic Jerk" said a man from the front door of hall and enter the Rathore siblings came and hug him but Abhimanyu was as still on the stage Ignoring him

"O come on! Abhi don't prove me right that you are a real Jerk" said that man and came to hug Abhimanyu and Abhi replicate with it and they shared a brotherly hug. Abhi turned and introduce him but a idea popped in his mind and said

" O, he is .....my business partner" Abhi said looking at the man with a smirk plaster on his face and the man with disbelief look on his face and said "No, No, No, No.. guys I'm ain't only his business partner. I'm his bestfriend, Abhay Singhaniya ok guys so don't believe him" said Abhay and everyone present over there bursted into laughter by looking at Abaya 's facial expressions.

They all were laughing and then Aaradhna entered the hall with anger on her face and came towards her dadu and said

"Here are the rings and I want to talk to you dadu so please end this engagement as soon as possible " she said the last part in his ears and moved away from there

On her way Himanshu gave her a very bright smile , waving his hand and cheerfully said "what's up Aaradhna" but Aaradhna ignore him out of anger and stand in the last row.

"What happened to her?" Asked Himanshu to Atharva "Nothing much she would have got emotional that her sister is going soon and that's why she had done that " said Atharva with a awkward smile and left towards Last row were Aaradhna was standing.

"Now tell me what happened?" Asked atharva to Aaradhna. She was about to say something but someone from behind interrupted them.

"Atharva! Long time no see" said Kabir coming from behind and hands in his pockets. Looking at him both Atharva and Aaradhna rolled their eyes.

"How are you?" Asked Kabir to Atharva "Tumare aane se pehle aacha hi tha vo" Muskan said under her breathe.

("He was good before you came.")

"Did you say something?" Asked Kabir to Muskan. "It's not your concern " said Aaradhna and rolled her eyes. "This is what I like about you sweetheart" said Kabir

Atharva was about to say something but everyone started to clap and letting know that engagement is done.

"I will be back Atharva, I have something important" Aaradhna said and left from there.

Aaradhna approach her grandfather "Dadu is everything is done realated to engagement" asked Aaradhna to her grandfather "Yes everything is done " said her grandfather. "Great now can we talk" said Aaradhna "ofcourse my child I am here only talk what you want to talk" said her grandfather while patting her head.

"Not here dadu and also I want Papa and Bade papa with you in my room" said Aaradhna "Is it is about business or something that should talked in personal" said her grandfather. "No but it is very important to talk" said Aaradhna. Her grandfather nodded and said someone to call his both son in his granddaughter's room.

After sometime both of them Rajeshwar and Tarakeswar joined them in Aaradhna's room.

"What happened is everything is fine?" Asked Rajeshwar Aaradhna's' father to Shubhakaran Aaradhna Grandfather and Aaradhna.

"Haa bhot baadi baat hui hai " said Aaradhna while standing infront of the three men "Aisa kya hua beta baato hume" said Her bade papa

(Yes, a very serious thing has happened.)

(What happened child tell us.)

"Aap aise mat pretend kijiye ki aap sabko kuch pata Nahi hai ki main kis kaaran se aap sab ko bula hai" said Aaradhna making look the three men at each other.

(Don't pretend that you all don't know why I have called you all.)

"We are not getting what are you bache" said her father. "Ok so, aap sab ko meri baat nahi samjha aari hai ok main saaf saaf batati hu, why did you invited that Kabir Khana?" Asked Aaradhna to them. "He is our only grandchild from your aunt's side, then how could you think that we will not invite him" said Shubhakaran Aaradhna's Grandfather.

"Did you all forget what he had done to be at this position" said Aaradhna "No, we didn't forget it all but still somehow he is our child by blood and we can't leave him alone." Said Aaradhna's father Rajeshwar.

"Ok, I agree with you papa but have you all decided where he will be leaving when this Marriage thing is going to be?" Asked Aaradhna to them.

"What do you mean by where he will living till Marriage?" Asked her bade papa to her. "I mean where he will be staying till wedding" said Aaradhna "He will be staying with-" her grandfather got cutoff by Aaradhna

"No don't tell me that he is going to live in this house with us " said Muskan with a confused look. "Yes you are right he is going to be with us till the wedding " said her grandfather to her "No he won't leave with me in the same roof" said Aaradhna "Yes he will be staying with us till the wedding No, further arguments " said Aaradhna's grandfather with a bit strict tone to Aaradhna

"Ok fine! If you all want him to stay here then fine! I am not going to live here till then " said Aaradhna and started to leave the room. "You're not going to anything wrong" said her Grandfather.

"I will " said Aaradhna and left the room with anger while taking her car key with her and left the room.

While going on her way towards door she bumped into her brother Shivam. "Why are you so in hurry you little pig?" Asked Shivam to Aaradhna. "It's none of your concern Bhai right now" she said and was about leave but then her elder brother Avinash came. "Where are you going at this hour that to in hurry? and what happened ?" Asked Avinash. "Ask papa, Bade papa and dadu about this they will give you a nice explanation." She said left.

When she was going Atharva saw her he called her from behind but she ignore him and left so he call her . Aaradhna pick up the call while driving the car to her penthouse. "Where are you going at this hour?" Asked Atharva with a shock tone .

"Going to hell wanna join me there" Said Aaradhna and cut the call. She drove towards her penthouse that she use to live when she was new in Business world.


After she left from there without informing anyone made every one in the family tense about her well being but the TRIVEDI family have a little bit Idea that where Aaradhna can go. So, they send the siblings of Trivedi family and Aaradhna's friends

It was 11:30 in the morning and Aaradhna was in her penthouse sleeping deeply.

There was a bell on her penthouse but she didn't even hibernate from her sleeping position as she is a deep slumber and now there was continuously bell ringing on the door making her awaking from her lovely sleep in a frustrating mood

"Now, who is distributing me at early in the morning" said Aaradhna with half opened eyes.

She get up from her bed and walked towards the door with half opened eyes.

On her way she bumped in one of the pillars in her house. "Ochu! Mumma why it's always happens with me?" She said to herself and peek through the eye hole. She saw them but didn't open the door nor did she utter a word to make them sure that she is not here.

Why? Because she know that if she will open the door and they will force her to live in Mansion not in her penthouse.

"It's better to pretend that i am not at home" she said to herself.

"We know that you are there in house Aaru, Just open the door" said Shivam from the other side of the door. She again peek through the eye hole to see whether they are here or not.

"Leave it guys I don't think so that she is here, let's go" said Avinash to everyone. "But I know she is here avi Bhai" said Janvi to Avinash. "Janvi if Aaradhna was here she would have opened the door till now " said Avinash to Janvi and made everyone leave that place.

Aaradhna heard and see them leaving her floor. She now take a deep breath of relief but she had doubt so she open the door and came out of her house and checked but she didn't find anyone so she chirped and said "Thank God they left huff" and trun but she stumbled because she saw all of them standing infront of her door while hands cross over there chest and with narrowed eyes.

"Hii!" Said Aaradhna with nervous smile and waved her hand at them. But they didn't even give any reaction they just keep on looking at her. "Why are you guys looking at me like I did something wrong" said Aaradhna

And move them aside and enter her house .

"Why are you here?" Asked Abhishek to Aaradhna. "What do you mean by why I am here? If I won't be living here then my neighbours will live in my house Abhi Bhai " said Aaradhna to Abhishek.

"Bacche, Is this the way you talk to your elder" said Avinash with a Stern voice to Aaradhna. "Sorry Bhai, but did you heard what he said? " Asked Aaradhna to Avinash "I heard and he is right and you are wrong right now" said Avinash to Aaradhna.

"O! So I am wrong , then fine if living with someone whom I hate to the core of my heart is wrong then fine I am wrong " said Aaradhna "So because of Kabir now you won't live with us that to in your sister's wedding " Avinash said in a low tone

"Don't blackmail me Bhai" said Aaradhna to Avinash. "I am not Balck mailing you, I am just reminding you that you have a sister and that sister is going to married soon" said Avinash

"Tsk, so now you are taunting me huh" said Aaradhna. " He is not taunting you Aaru he is just trying to make you understand others point of view " said Atharva interrupting them.

Aaradhna just gave him a glares and said "Did I ask your cup of opinion?" Asked Aaradhna to Atharva and making him gulped and nodding his head in no

"Then shut up and don't interrupt in between" stated


"I will not go there as long as Kabir stays in my house ok so now don't force me " said Aaradhna to everyone. "Why are you so stubborn bacche?" Asked Avinash to Aaradhna

"Remember who's sister I'm " said Aaradhna to Avinash. "If everyone is done by convincing me to come back you all can leave and one more thing I am not coming back to home but yes I will attend all functions ok now you all can leave " said Aaradhna to everyone and push them out of her penthouse.

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